Monday 24 March 2014

Spring -- and renewal -- inches ever closer

The past week included the first day of spring.  Temperatures remain a few degrees below the long-term average, and the pleasant signs of spring seem delayed, but still, spring is in the air because we are more than ready for it to be in the air.

The Board met last Tuesday evening and reviewed all the Expressions of Interest that we received for the use of any part of our property.

We are going to begin discussions with the Shekinah Homes Society, which is interested in a 3 - 5 year lease on St. Columba House (with options to renew).  There may be other opportunities to improve the use of more of our property.  Many of you have heard me say that I believe church property is part of the commonwealth of the community:  (in my view) we have an obligation to ensure that it is well and fully used for purposes that benefit the community.

On Saturday I met with Mayor Nils Jensen to give him an update on our activity and our intentions.

A small group, led by Michelle, is working toward an articulate statement of our congregational  purpose and mission.  The value of a mission and purpose statement doesn't lie in printing an framing it.  If it rings true it reveals our way home through every thick forest and open ocean.  (On the other hand) it is very hard to be convincing about the "what" and "how" of service without having a clear sense of the "why".

The Board has also recommenced what used to be the Joint Needs Assessment Committee process, now called the Ministry Profile and Search Process.  Jim Fisk will Chair the working committee.  This process will culminate in "calling" a permanent minister to serve with the congregation.  Currently, Michelle is here on a one-year appointments, which ends in August.  We want to look past the one-year appointment, to have our minister in place for the exciting work of the next 5 - 7 years.

To-day after our worship service, we had our first small group discussion of Tony Robinson's report.  Fourteen people were in the group, and the discussion was both encouraging and challenging.  We will host a similar discussion after worship next Sunday and the Sunday after next.  In addition, all participants in the life of the congregation will be invited to participate in a small group discussion on some other occasion, in case Sunday is not convenient.

Tony's report is very important reading for anyone who has thoughts about -- and regard for -- the future of the congregation.  The report is available as a pdf (here) on the web site.

My 3-ring binder for Spring, 2014 also includes preparation for the upcoming congregational meeting (new Board members, a budget for 2014 - '15), and a stewardship campaign.  If you have any thoughts or questions about these or other matters, please let me know.

Clare is feeling much better, although still somewhat stiff and sore.  She expects to have her stitches removed tomorrow.  We both thank you for the care and support we received.  (The banana loaf was delicious!)

Friday 14 March 2014

Congregational Assessment (Tony Robinson Report)

As most readers will know, Oak Bay United Church has many decisions to make in the near future.  Some of our choices are exciting, but they will require imagination, energy, and persistence on our part.  Some of our choices will be painful even as they are exciting, because we do need to make changes, and we do need to give up some things that are very familiar to us.

As part of the process of understanding our situation, the Board retained Rev. Anthony Robinson  to understand and consider our current situation and our prospects, and make recommendations. Thank you to everyone who assisted Tony with his assessment, by completing a survey on paper or online, and/or by being willing to be interviewed by Tony.

We have received the assessment report, and copies will be available after worship on Sunday and then from the office.

Your Board leadership is eager to hear your responses to Tony's conclusions, so a number of opportunities will be provided for conversation, questions, and concerns to be shared.

As you read this report, we ask that you pay particular attention to the "Recommendations" which begin on page IV. As you reflect, please have the following questions in mind:

1. what excites you about this report?
2. what concerns you?
3. what questions do you have?
4. what do you believe are the "vital few" ministries of this congregation?

A gathering will be held in the Chapel after the worship service, for the following three Sundays (March 23, March 30 and April 7) for your feedback, hosted by members of the Board.

You will also be contacted by the office to take part in a small group discussion either in addition to a conversation after church, or in place of it. These discussions will be offered at a variety of times and days and locations.

Your comments, questions, and concerns will all be considered faithfully in the next few months as the Board drafts a budget for the coming year (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015), drafts congregational Purpose and Priorities, and commissions the Needs Assessment Committee (now called the Ministry Profile and Search Committee) to do its work. We hope to present a Needs Assessment report, a proposed budget, and Purpose and Priorities for the next few years, to the Annual Congregational Meeting on June 1st.

So, your prayerful reflection, responses and discussion are critical in helping the congregation move ahead with clear direction and intention.

Thank you for your time, your prayers, your energy and your commitment to God's mission here on the corner of Granite and Mitchell: sharing God's love for 100 years and counting!