Tuesday 16 October 2012

Mark 10: 35-45 Me First Jesus (Rev. Gail Miller)


The text for this week is


This is my first attempt at the on line bible study.  The format will be a little different than the past few weeks.  There is a particular way that I like to walk with scripture throughout the week as I prepare to integrate and understand the wisdom well enough to proclaim a relevant word on Sunday morning.  Some weeks more than others, I am successful in the proclamation but I find the more interesting part of the journey is living with text all week and letting it shape my perspective.

I like savoring the words and looking around at my life and the world and wondering how that sacred wisdom is being spoken, where I see it in action.  This week I am inviting you to walk and listen with me and look forward to hearing how the wisdom of the text is showing up in your life.

This is a method for doing a sacred reading (lectio divina) of the text.  You will need to take 15 minutes or more if you have time!

  1. Take a few minutes to become still and quiet.
  2. Invite the Spirit to be present.  Ask for an experience of God.
  3. Read the passage out loud and very slowly.
  4. Read the passage through a second time, but this time pause on any word that catches your attention and slowly repeat that word, until it feels like it is time to move on.  This may be as far as you get in the passage.  The intention is not to finish the passage as much as to listen for what God is saying to you.
  5. When you have taken whatever time you need, give thanks and take a "Word"  - a word or a short phrase -  and throughout the day pause to remind your heart of the "Word."
. . . listen . . . . savor . . . . watch   . . .

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